This afternoon (March 18th) at about 4:30 P.M., Rebekah decided to have her kids. Of course she just had to kid as soon as I went inside to fix a bottle for Hampton, my bottle baby. By the time I … Continue reading
Tag Archives: farms
Essential Kid Care
Learn the best ways to take care of your spring kids, and implement a bottle feeding schedule if necessary. via Essential Kid Care.
Your LGD and storms
With winter – and Christmas and New Year – approaching, read on to learn how to help your LGD deal with stressful situations such as storms and fireworks via Your LGD and storms.
Robyn Poyner explains how the Livestock Guardian Dog heirarchy exists in the dynamic of her working dogs via Livestock Guardian Dog – handing over the torch.
Think that your livestock guardian dog appears to be sleeping on the job? Think again, these faithful creatures are always on alert. via Livestock Guardian Dogs – to sleep or not to sleep?.
Family Dill Pickle Recipe. From Hoegger Supply: “It’s Summer, the days are hot, the nights are short, and our garden is producing cucumbers by the hundreds. Here is an old family dill pickle recipe shared with us by Andy Ivey. … Continue reading

Hoegger Supply Co. has an annual photo contest. So, I am trying to get a good picture to enter. I had a great idea! I’m going to dress Hampton the bottle baby in my younger brother’s Build-A-Bear Workshop clothes. When … Continue reading
As the first does are due to kid in 1 week, kidding season is getting ready to hit Liberty Homestead Farm full force. I have felt the kids moving in Pippi, Rebekah, Charlotte, Joanna, Cherokee, and Ellie Mae. The first … Continue reading