A brief but comprehensive list of ways to check whether your goat is healthy, or whether it needs a trip to see the veterinarian via Is my goat healthy? – An excerpt from Raising Goats Naturally.
Tag Archives: nigerian
A comprehensive breakdown of how to use common pasture weeds as mineral supplements for goats via Pasture weeds as mineral sources for goats.

Hoegger Supply Co. has an annual photo contest. So, I am trying to get a good picture to enter. I had a great idea! I’m going to dress Hampton the bottle baby in my younger brother’s Build-A-Bear Workshop clothes. When … Continue reading
As the first does are due to kid in 1 week, kidding season is getting ready to hit Liberty Homestead Farm full force. I have felt the kids moving in Pippi, Rebekah, Charlotte, Joanna, Cherokee, and Ellie Mae. The first … Continue reading

Meet “J-Nels L Wade Hampton” (ADGA registration pending) He is my newest addition, I am exited about this little guy because of GCH genetics on his dam’s side and high milk production genetics on his sire’s. See his page under … Continue reading