Homemade Herbal Dewormer

Recently, the prices of both Hoegger’s and Molly’s Herbals dewormers went up. Because they are getting so expensive, I have done some research and have found some recipes for homemade herbal wormer. Check back soon for updates! This is the recipe I finally chose:

Homemade Herbal Animal Dewormer/Tonic

Dosage: 1 teaspoon for every 30 pounds.


  • 1 cup Black Walnut powder. (not for bred does or horses)
  • 1 cup Cayenne Pepper powder
  • 1 cup Cinnamon powder
  • 1/2 cup whole Cloves
  • 1 cup minced Garlic
  • 2 cups Ginger Root1 cup Mustard seed powder
  • 1 cup Psyllium seed powder
  • 2 cups Red Raspberry leaf
  • 2 cups Sage leaf
  • 2 cups Thyme leaf
  • 2 cups Wormwood
  • 2 cups Diatomaceous Earth

As a rule of thumb, use 1 cup of the powdered herbs to 2 cups of the cut herbs, except for the cloves and the diatomaceous earth.


Administer for 7 days, morning and evening, every 6-8 weeks and as needed. Do not use Wormwood or Black Walnut for bred animals; do not use Black Walnut for equines.

Worming Kids: Administer the three day dose starting at 3 weeks of age and repeating every 3-4 weeks until the kids/lambs/calves/etc, are 6 months of age, then then begin them on the 8 week cycle. If you see any diarrhea, immediately administer three days in a row. This also helps prevent coccidiosis.


Homemade Herbal Dewormer — 1 Comment

  1. Pingback: Homemade Herbal Dewormer Part 2 | Liberty Homestead Farm