From now through November 30, anyone who buys one or more skeins of our yarn will get a FREE bar of goat’s milk soap!! Our yarn is chemical and dye free; it comes in 4 oz/236 yard skeins of 2 ply … Continue reading
Tag Archives: dairy goats

We now have Chaffhaye available to purchase! Chaffhaye: Pasture-in-a-Bag $16 per 50# bag. Whether you need 1 bag or 50, we can supply all your Chaffhaye needs! Call or email for purchase information. If you are an … Continue reading

Every wonder how your dairy goat breeds stacks up against the others? Here is a quick overview of the average weight produced per lactation, milk fat content, and protein content. Source: How does your Dairy Goat Breed stack up against … Continue reading

Неrе аrе 7 usеful tірs we’ve compiled оn buying уоur first dаіrу gоаt: Source: Tips for Buying Your First Dairy Goat | Chaffhaye … Continue reading

Most of us have seen the countless yogurt commercials touting the benefits of fermented foods for people, but, did you know that fermented foods are equally as beneficial to your goats? Read on to see our 5 favorite benefits of … Continue reading
Here are some pictures from around Thames Farm, where I am working this summer! Registered Berkshire hogs Grass-fed Cattle Dorper/Katahdin cross sheep Pastured turkeys Broiler chicks Charlie the LGD, Nubian dairy goats, pasture views, horses … Continue reading
So sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted!!! I have been VERY busy these last few months…who came up with the idea of the “lazy days of summer”??? Warning! Long Catchup Post! 🙂 Anyway, here’s a rundown on what … Continue reading
Because this show was rescheduled to the same weekend as my high-school graduation, I will not be able to make it this year. 🙁 This year there will be an official One Day Milk Test. Those wishing to participate in … Continue reading