It’s been busy here on the farm, so here’s an update for the last month: On the 4th of January, Charlotte had two healthy kids. Bucklings of course. LOL. The pigs have been in a paddock in the woods, cleared … Continue reading
It’s been busy here on the farm, so here’s an update for the last month: On the 4th of January, Charlotte had two healthy kids. Bucklings of course. LOL. The pigs have been in a paddock in the woods, cleared … Continue reading
As I said in my earlier post on this subject (Homemade Herbal Dewormer Part 1), I am currently trying out a homemade herbal wormer recipe. The herbs arrived on Monday the 1st, and I mixed up the dewormer that afternoon. … Continue reading
As of this morning (11:30 A.M.), Liberty Homestead Farm is now home to our second Oberhasli doe, Ivy Patch CA Zanado from Ivy Patch Farm in Snow Camp, NC. Zanado is an ADGA registered 2 year old doe who has won 4 … Continue reading
As of August 18th, Liberty Homestead Farm has acquired 2 Oberhasli goats. “Sunnymaples Ruby Red Naomi,” a 5 year old doe, and “The Shadilyn Bejeweld” a 2 year old buck. In early November we will be picking up a 2 year old … Continue reading
Well, out of my 10-goat doe herd, I had two goats who had horns. had horns. The first was my first goat, Rebekah, who already had horns when she was bought. The second was Pippi, a doe acquired during a … Continue reading
Here is some fresh French-style Chevre cheese that I have made! It is used just like cream cheese in most recipes. … Continue reading
Here are some pictures of me on Friday and Saturday, June 13-14 at the ADGA sanctioned dairy goat show in Shelby, NC. … Continue reading
Liberty Homestead Farm has made the decision to lower our Nigerian Dwarf herd numbers and focus on the Oberhasli goat breed. We hope to be acquiring some Oberhaslis in the near future. Check back soon for details! Here are ADGA … Continue reading