This is my recipe; I got the best out of several recipes, and, with a few tweaks, here it is! More updates as I continue to test it and tweak it.
As a rule of thumb, use 1 cup of the powdered herbs to 2 cups of the cut herbs, except for the cloves, and diatomaceous earth.
Updated 02/13/2016
Homemade Herbal Animal Dewormer & Tonic
Dosage: 1 teaspoon for every 30 pounds, 1 tablespoon for every 100 lbs.
Note: it is better to overdose than underdose with herbs. Extra herbs will not hurt the animal, but too little will not be effective.
- 1/2 cup whole or powdered Cloves
- 1 cup Anise Seed powder (optional)
- 1 cup Black Walnut hull powder*
- 1 cup Cayenne Pepper powder*
- 1 cup Cinnamon powder
- 1 cup Garlic (powder or minced)*
- 1 cup Ginger Root powder
- 1 cup Mustard seed powder
- 1 cup Psyllium seed powder
- 1 cup Rosemary leaf powder
- 2 cups Sage leaf
- 2 cups Thyme leaf
- 2 cups Wormwood*
- 2 cups Diatomaceous Earth —Note that diatomaceous earth makes the dewormer very dusty and hard on the lungs; it may be omitted and fed separately to promote palatability of this dewormer. (diatomaceous earth is very helpful in getting rid of external parasites as well)
Use Diatomaceous Earth in the wormer for pigs, birds, ground feeds, and dosage balls.
*The most crucial ingredients marked with an asterisk.
Basically, use 1 cup of powdered herbs to each 2 cups of cut/chopped herbs. The exceptions to this are the cloves and the diatomaceous earth.
Mix all ingredients together and store in a glass jar. Keep in a cool, dark place.
Administer for 7 days, morning and evening, every 6-8 weeks and as needed. Do not add Wormwood or Black Walnut for pregnant animals; do not add Black Walnut at all for equines.
If Wormwood and Black Walnut have been left out of main batch:
Individual dosage of Wormwood is 1/4 tsp per 30# at same rate as dewormer (7 days, 2x per day, etc.)
Individual dosage of Black Walnut is 1/8 tsp per 30# at same rate as dewormer (7 days, 2x per day, etc.)
Worming Kids: Administer the three day dose starting at 3 weeks of age and repeating every 3-4 weeks until the kids/lambs/calves/etc, are 6 months of age, then then begin them on the 8 week cycle. If you see any diarrhea, immediately administer three days in a row. This also helps prevent coccidiosis.
Herbal dosage balls can make herbs more palatable to livestock. I use molasses because it can be bought in bulk very cheaply at Tractor Supply or Southern States.
Herbal Dosage Balls For Livestock:
Mix together:
- 1/2 cup (8 Tablespoons) powdered or finely crushed herb
- 1/4 cup (4 Tablespoons) Slippery Elm Bark powder OR flour (this acts as a binding agent to hold the herb mixture together.)
- 1/4 cup Molasses/Honey OR 1/2-2/3 cup Peanut Butter
With your fingers (or in a food processor), mix and kneed into a dough. Break into 12 even pieces, shape into balls and then roll the balls in a little bit of flour just to coat. Each ball equals a 2 Teaspoon dose. Offer an herbal dosage ball to the animal first, and he may eat it right out of your hand. If he won’t, shove it in his mouth. Often, the animal realizes the balls taste good and wants more. If he spits it out, just shove further back in the mouth next time. (For goat kids, or other smaller animals, I break the balls into smaller pieces to administer.)
**WARNING** The rear teeth of livestock are EXTREMELY sharp and can give a very nasty cut. Be super careful during force feeding dosage balls!!
A picture of herbal dosage balls can be found here:
View my posts on this subject:
*Disclaimer: These remedies are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease.
The information and statements presented on this site have not been evaluated or approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The use of herbs and essential oil for the prevention, treatment, mitigation or cure of disease has not been approved by the FDA or USDA. We therefore make no claims to this effect.
We are not veterinarians or doctors. The information on this site is based on the traditional and historic use of herbs as well as personal experience and is provided for general reference and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, prescribe or promote any direct or implied health claims. This information is and products are not intended to replace professional veterinary and/or medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your vet and/or doctor. We present the products on this site and the information supplied here without guarantees, and we disclaim all liability in connection with the use of these products and/or information. Any person making the decision to act upon this information is responsible for investigating and understanding the effects of their own actions.
Can I use this formula right after an animal give birth? I have sheep, which I am new to and the only mentors I do have use traditional methods. They say to worm right after birth but with a chemical wormer of course which I do not want to do. Also I’m assuming the recipe with wormwood and black walnut would also be okay for lambs if you use it on kids.
Another question; you use anise seed powder I believe instead of fennel that I have seen in other recipes I was just wondering why or if it mattered which one? Thanks!
Yes, I use this wormer right after birth, with animals who are particularly prone to worm infestations it can be doubled. It’s perfectly fine for lambs.
Fennel can be used as well, either one works well. I use anise because I use this mix for my LGD as well as my goat/sheep flock and my LGD likes anise better
Could i was to use black walnut hull extract instead of powder, if so how much ?
No, you need to just use the powder.
The extract would be too strong and hard on the liver.
You can make the powder at home by collecting dried out black walnut hulls and grinding them up.
What is your rationale for each herb? Just trying to understand what the use of each one is.
All of the herbs help expel the worms in some way,
Cloves are anthelmintic, coccidiostatic, and help firm up stool
Anise makes it more palatable (especially for dogs) and is antiparasitic
Black walnut hull powder is a strong anthelmintic
Cayenne supplies vitamin C and expels worms with the capsaicin.
Cinnamon is coccidiostatic and antidiarrheal
Garlic is anthelmintic, antiparasitic, antibiotic, and antiviral
Ginger is astringent, anthelmintic, antibiotic, antidiarrheal, and coccidiostat
Mustard is antiparasitic and anthelmintic
Psyllium expels worms by scrubbing the gi tract
Rosemary is antiparasitic and anthelmintic
Sage is anthelmintic
Thyme is anthelmintic, antiviral, antibiotic
Wormwood is a very strong anthelmintic
By using a varied combination of anthelmintic (deworming) herbs, the herbal mix helps control a larger variety of internal parasites and support overall health.
Thank you so much!!
Is the sage, thyme and wormwood powder? or cut?
The sage, thyme, and wormwood are all cut, but powder can be used as well.
Hi! I noticed in your other herbal wormer post you used Red Raspberry instead of Rosemary? Just wondering about the switch…could one of them been a typo?? If not, which one would be better to use? Or could I use both? ? Thanks!
Red raspberry is a helpful pregnancy tonic for livestock. I initially included it to make the wormer multi-task, but now use it in a separate preg booster.
Rosemary is just another anti-parasitic herb that helps expel worms.
Congrats, hey, I’m from Australia, trying to make up your herbal mix for worming our sheep. Unfortunately we dont grow black walnut here, where would you recommend I get it from.
You can order black walnut online from companies like Mountain Rose Herbs or the Bulk Herb Store.
Other effective natural dewormers are Garlic Barrier garlic juice at the rate of 5-10 ml per head and Shaklee Basic H for 48 hours in drinking water at the rate of 1-1.5 cups per 100 gallons of water.
my name is sam and i have tons of black walnuts if anyone wants to buy them shell hulls nuts all just contact me 540 556 7599 we are a natural farm where no chemicals have been used on the land in over 20 years we raise goats rabbits and american quarter horses.
After mixing everything how to give it or in food
I use it as a top dress on grain/alfalfa and also make dosage balls for picky eaters.
can i give it to rabbits
Yes, it is safe for rabbits; I would give them 1/4 tsp each.
It doesn’t list goats for putting in the DE; should I?
If you will be feeding the dewormer with dosage balls, include it. If you’re feeding the dewormer in powder form the DE may make it too dusty for your goats.
Thanks, I’ll be making dosage balls. Hope it helps with my old girl who I can’t get rid of coccidiosis in
If you’re dealing with coccidiosis, I would recommend the using the Coccidiosis Tea remedy.
Dimethoxide* is effective in severe cases.*edit: DiMethox is the proper brand name for the drug Sulfadimethoxine.
Thanks What is dimethoxide? Do you think the coccidiosis tea can be made into dosage balls? She’s about 100 pounds and great about taking treats like that
DiMethox is a brand name for the drug Sulfadimethoxine. Another brand is Albon.
It is an effective coccidiostat that does not deplete thiamine like CoRid.
The dosage can be found at
The coccidiosis tea is best used as a drench. Being an herbal infusion, the active components of the herbs are more quickly and efficiently absorbed.
Aloha from Hawai’i. I would like to use your dewormer recipe, in fact I made a half batch today. Unfortunately I could only find the black walnut hulls and the wormwood in tincture form. How many drops per herb tincture should I give to my goat based on weight? Many thanks!
I’m not sure; I’ve never used walnut or wormwood tincture.
Mountain Rose Herbs should be able to ship some to you.
Hi, thanks for this recipe. Can I use “Psyllium Husk Powder” in place of “Psyllium Seed Powder?
Psyllium husk powder may not be as effective as Psyllium seed powder. If you can get the seed powder that would be best, but the husk powder may help if it’s the only thing available.
Can this be used for my rabbits? What is the recipe for your pregnant booster? Can it be used for all pregnant livestock as well? Thank you.
Yes, it can be used for rabbits. Rabbit dose is 1/4 the goat dose.
The pregnancy booster consists of 1 part peppermint, 1 part thyme, 1 part chamomile, and 6 parts red raspberry leaf. The goat dose is 3 tbsp per day, so the rabbit dose would be 3/4 tbsp per day.
I have all the herbs in the ingredient list coming. Do I mix all of them together?
Yes, mix them together in the amounts specified in the recipe.
Thank you
I have clear plastic containers with air tight seals. Can I use them instead of glass ones?
Yes, plastic will work fine.
Thank you.
Can dried herbs be stored in a freezer?
Yes, dry herbs can be stored in the freezer; but unless you’re planning on storing them for a very long time, a cool dark place like a pantry or cabinet is perfectly fine.
On the directions for livestock dosage balls, are you referring to the already mixed up herbs from the recipe for the dewormer? Just want to make sure before I make the dosage balls. Thank you.
Yes, the dosage ball recipe refers to the herbs already mixed.
Hi can this dewormer be done once a week vs 7 days every 6-8 weeks? Thanks
This dewormer really works best used for 7 consecutive days every 6-8 weeks; once a week hasn’t worked for me.