I use a deep-bedding method to bed down my goats during the winter, adding fresh bedding over top of each soiled layer. The lower layers compost, generating warmth, while the top is clean and fresh. While this is very helpful … Continue reading
Tag Archives: pork

Now that the pigs’ paddock in the woods is finished, the pigs (about 60# each already) are out on their pasture! (silvopasture, that is) The pigs are now happily rooting around, foraging (for nuts, roots, etc.), and generally enjoying themselves. … Continue reading

Sorry I haven’t posted in a while! Anyway, here’s a farm news flash: as of September 30th, we have aquired two Ossabaw Island feeder pigs from Historic Brattonsville’s farm! (I’m hoping to get 2-3 of their Gulf Coast Native lambs in … Continue reading