Here are some pictures from around Thames Farm, where I am working this summer! Registered Berkshire hogs Grass-fed Cattle Dorper/Katahdin cross sheep Pastured turkeys Broiler chicks Charlie the LGD, Nubian dairy goats, pasture views, horses … Continue reading
Liberty Homestead Farm
So sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted!!! I have been VERY busy these last few months…who came up with the idea of the “lazy days of summer”??? Warning! Long Catchup Post! 🙂 Anyway, here’s a rundown on what … Continue reading
Here are some pictures of our newest arrivals, 2 Gulf Coast Native ewe lambs from Historic Brattonsville! So far they don’t have names (still working on that) suggestions would be appreciated! Because they weren’t handled much, they are still somewhat … Continue reading

“I Love Milking Goats” and “Goats In Too Many Places” musical parodies by the Jonas family of Goat Milk Stuff in Indiana. “I Love Milking Goats” “Goats In Too Many Places” … Continue reading
Dixie, at 17 months old, is nearly ready to start guarding the goats (and chickens) full time without supervision. She is allowed to be loose while I am home to watch her, but still must be tied if I will … Continue reading
I use a deep-bedding method to bed down my goats during the winter, adding fresh bedding over top of each soiled layer. The lower layers compost, generating warmth, while the top is clean and fresh. While this is very helpful … Continue reading
Now that the days are getting warmer and the does are coming into milk, it is time for baths and haircuts! Naomi seems to enjoy getting wet much better than the others, who are drying off waiting for haircuts in … Continue reading
Sorry I haven’t been on top of posting updates, things have been busy on the farm! Update for March, the grass is green, the kids are coming and milking is under way! So far, 4 does have kidded, 3 are … Continue reading