What is “Salad Bar” lamb?
Unlike many ‘grass fed’ systems that feed grass hay and still finish their animals on corn, our lambs are intensively rotated on fresh pasture, usually every 1-2 days. They are never fed any grain whatsoever and constantly receive a bountiful buffet of fresh green forage, hence the term “Salad Bar Lamb.” We don’t use any chemicals in our pasture, and …
Category Archives: Other Animals
Come on out to the farm for Sheep Shearing Day 2017 on Saturday April 8th! Watch as our rare Gulf Coast Native sheep get their spring “haircuts” and see our baby lambs. Shearing will begin at 10 in the morning, … Continue reading

Taking reservations for 2017 turkeys! Pre-order yours now! We are now taking reservations for 2017 pastured turkeys. Because of the much higher upfront costs raising turkeys as compared to chickens… Source: Reserve Your 2017 Turkey! – Ferebee Farm … Continue reading
Here’s a sampling of the interesting/dangerous wildlife I’ve run into lately: Near the beginning of August, I came upon several large black widow spiders within a week: On August 10, I found a 3 foot long Eastern kingsnake in one … Continue reading
Here are some pictures of our newest arrivals, 2 Gulf Coast Native ewe lambs from Historic Brattonsville! So far they don’t have names (still working on that) suggestions would be appreciated! Because they weren’t handled much, they are still somewhat … Continue reading
I use a deep-bedding method to bed down my goats during the winter, adding fresh bedding over top of each soiled layer. The lower layers compost, generating warmth, while the top is clean and fresh. While this is very helpful … Continue reading

Now that the pigs’ paddock in the woods is finished, the pigs (about 60# each already) are out on their pasture! (silvopasture, that is) The pigs are now happily rooting around, foraging (for nuts, roots, etc.), and generally enjoying themselves. … Continue reading

Sorry I haven’t posted in a while! Anyway, here’s a farm news flash: as of September 30th, we have aquired two Ossabaw Island feeder pigs from Historic Brattonsville’s farm! (I’m hoping to get 2-3 of their Gulf Coast Native lambs in … Continue reading