This spring and summer season has been a very busy one down here at the farm. I had 9 goat kids and 2 lambs born, my sheep flock has expanded to 6 members (2 rams and 4 ewes), and I have raised … Continue reading
Tag Archives: farm
Here are some pictures from around Thames Farm, where I am working this summer! Registered Berkshire hogs Grass-fed Cattle Dorper/Katahdin cross sheep Pastured turkeys Broiler chicks Charlie the LGD, Nubian dairy goats, pasture views, horses … Continue reading
So sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted!!! I have been VERY busy these last few months…who came up with the idea of the “lazy days of summer”??? Warning! Long Catchup Post! 🙂 Anyway, here’s a rundown on what … Continue reading
Our first snow of 2015 is here! We’ve got about an inch now, but even when there is less than an inch of snow, it goes a long way into keeping the mud down! (until it melts of course). We … Continue reading
Here are some pictures and a video of my little sister riding BJ the Oberhasli buck, aka: the “racegoat.” Now that the breeding season, and the accompanying buck smell is over (at least for the Oberhaslis) BJ makes for a … Continue reading

It’s been busy here on the farm, so here’s an update for the last month: On the 4th of January, Charlotte had two healthy kids. Bucklings of course. LOL. The pigs have been in a paddock in the woods, cleared … Continue reading

As I said in my earlier post on this subject (Homemade Herbal Dewormer Part 1), I am currently trying out a homemade herbal wormer recipe. The herbs arrived on Monday the 1st, and I mixed up the dewormer that afternoon. … Continue reading
After going through several designs and tweaking those we liked, Liberty Homestead Farm now officially has a new logo! Hope y’all like it! Here it is: … Continue reading