This spring and summer season has been a very busy one down here at the farm. I had 9 goat kids and 2 lambs born, my sheep flock has expanded to 6 members (2 rams and 4 ewes), and I have raised … Continue reading
Tag Archives: goats

Every wonder how your dairy goat breeds stacks up against the others? Here is a quick overview of the average weight produced per lactation, milk fat content, and protein content. Source: How does your Dairy Goat Breed stack up against … Continue reading

Неrе аrе 7 usеful tірs we’ve compiled оn buying уоur first dаіrу gоаt: Source: Tips for Buying Your First Dairy Goat | Chaffhaye … Continue reading

“I Love Milking Goats” and “Goats In Too Many Places” musical parodies by the Jonas family of Goat Milk Stuff in Indiana. “I Love Milking Goats” “Goats In Too Many Places” … Continue reading
Although the majority of the pasture still needs to grow more before the goats are out full time, one paddock was growing faster than the others, and another had several large weeds that needed to be removed. Therefore, the goats got … Continue reading
Spring is almost here! The birds are singing, everything is starting to turn green, and more goat kids are on the way! Although it is raining now, and yesterday it got chilly again, it is supposed to warm up and … Continue reading
Here are some pictures and a video of my little sister riding BJ the Oberhasli buck, aka: the “racegoat.” Now that the breeding season, and the accompanying buck smell is over (at least for the Oberhaslis) BJ makes for a … Continue reading

It’s been busy here on the farm, so here’s an update for the last month: On the 4th of January, Charlotte had two healthy kids. Bucklings of course. LOL. The pigs have been in a paddock in the woods, cleared … Continue reading