Dixie and her Goats

Dixie, at 17 months old, is nearly ready to start guarding the goats (and chickens) full time without supervision. She is allowed to be loose while I am home to watch her, but still must be tied if I will … Continue reading

Springtime on the farm!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Spring has come on the farm! Even though the Spring equinox is not until Friday, the warm weather has caused everything to start growing/blooming. The sun is shining, the nectarine tree is blooming, the grass in the … Continue reading

February 17th, 2015 Update

Farm Update… Josie kidded on the 8th with doeling/buckling twins, Shelby kidded on the 14th with twins as well: 1 doeling and 1 buckling. Last night, (February 16th-17th) we had an ice storm, making everything sparkly and white in the morning. (and … Continue reading

Farm Update: February 2nd, 2015

It’s been busy here on the farm, so here’s an update for the last month: On the 4th of January, Charlotte had two healthy kids. Bucklings of course. LOL. The pigs have been in a paddock in the woods, cleared … Continue reading